
CELLFOOD® provides time-released oxygen at the cellular level oxidizing lactic acid in the muscle area. This process enables your body to effectively and naturally eliminate toxins through respiration and perspiration. You are able to push yourself harder, while reducing your body's natural recovery period. CELLFOOD® in the bottle could be described as potential energy. When added to water, CELLFOOD® becomes an activated solution producing kinetic energy.

The potential energy of  CELLFOOD® in the bottle could be compared to energy in the bank, or energy in storage that is not being used. Kinetic energy is "energy in action" or energy which is exerting its effect. Using an automobile as a demonstration tool, the CELLFOOD® would be represent gasoline in the tank. The engine converts the potential energy of the gasoline to kinetic energy, which powers the car. The alternator and generator also require kinetic energy (electrical energy) transferring power to the battery, where it will be stored again as potential energy.

At the cellular level, energy transformations from potential to kinetic, and between chemical, mechanical, and electrical; are no less diversified. This energy is used for movement (kinetic energy in action) and for the accumulation of high concentrations of beneficial materials, which requires a continuous flow of oxygen; provided by CELLFOOD®. Over 90% of the energy used in biosynthesis is for the production of protein.

CELLFOOD® enhances the body's biopotential. Cells of many biological organs generate an electrical potential that may result in the flow of electric current. This bioelectricity exists in each cell membrane process becoming selectively permeable to common ions in organism like sodium and potassium. This selectivity results in an unequal distribution between the interior of the cell, and the exterior. The difference in concentration of ions inside and outside the membrane and the ion-selective permeability of the membrane, determines diffusion is inward or outward. Flow occurs only when the membrane is depolarized. Since the colloidal minerals in CELLFOOD® are also ionic, this enhances the ability of the individual cells to absorb the needed minerals. The cells are ion-selective and minerals not required by any given cell are passed on to the cells needing the specific mineral.

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

Each cell has an engine celled mitochondria (structures occurring in varying numbers in the cytoplasm of the cell). ATP is the engine's fuel used for all of the energy-requiring processes within the cell. Our cells do not use the nutrients we consume for their immediate supply of energy. Instead, when needed, they prepare an energy-rich compound called ATP. ATP consists of one molecule of adenine and ribose (called adenosine) combined with three phosphates and oxygen atoms. A considerable amount of chemical energy is stored in the ATP molecule. When the outermost bond of the ATP molecule is broken, it releases energy equivalent to 7,000 calories. Although ATP serves as the energy current for all cells, only about 3 ounces of ATP are stored in the body at one time. This would provide only enough energy to sustain strenuous activity for 5-8 seconds. Our cells require oxygen to provide a continuous supply of energy and to constantly synthesize ATP. The more oxygen-enriched the body is, the more ATP each cell can produce.