
Testimonials About Coral Calcium

Here are a few testimonials about Coral Calcium. In some of these testimonials, you will notice people mentioning other products. These products are also distributed by Nutronix International.

I am going to try and make this story as short as possible, I worked in the coal mines and on Oct. 19, 1983 I injured my lower back and have had a lot problems with pain. I have been too so many doctors that I can't and don't to remember them. Also on Feb. 2 1987 I was hit from behind by a 3/4 ton pick up truck, it hit me so hard that it broke my drivers seat and hurt my lower back and this time my neck, now double trouble with pain more doctors and wanting me to take pain pills which I will not do because I seen what these pills did to my mother and dad.

I have tried all types of herbs and things that I saw and heard about, you wouldn't beleive how much money I have spent on the different herbs and doctors.

So I heard about the Coral Calcium and what Bob Barefoot had to say about it, so I found your web site saw and read what all you have to offer, I ordered the Coral Calcium, Cellfood Silica Plus, and the Cellfood Diet, I take it just like it states to on the packages, I sure have noticed a great difference in the way I feel, I have more engery, a lot less pain, I really feel that I have found the way that if I keep on using the product that I will be pain free after awhile.

Roger Moore PH. D., D. D.


Hello, my name is James Elliott and I live in Montreal Quebec...Canada. over the years I have tried just about everything at the health food store to solve my joint pain, with a little success. since I started with the coral products, I have had no more joint problems...also my lower back pain is gone and also my fatigue problem...oh yes,my vision has also improved since taking the coral products. the products Ii currently use is tri-pac #4 featuring cellfood, coral calcium, and cellfood silica. Your products are simply the best...regards

James Elliott.


Good Morning! I have a small testimonial to the products. For the last 6 months have had left shoulder pain which I have taken 800 mg of Ibuprofen 1-3 times daily for and this allows me some relief. Just prior to receiving my products from Coral I had gone a little over a week without the Ibuprofen and my pain had shot up immensely. Well within about 3 days of starting on the two products I received, especially the Coral Calcium, I noticed my pain was down even further than it had been since it first started hurting. At that point I started reading more about the products and reading testimonials and found similar stories from other people. Again I had no expectations because I really didn't know anything.

Since starting on the products I have not been taking the Ibuprofen on a daily basis, in fact only taking it a couple of times a week. I am receiving the same amount of relief from just the Coral Calcium as I had been on the Ibuprofen. And of course the Calcium is much better for me than the Ibuprofen since it can cause liver damage. I've been very pleased, and can only figure that I have received this relief from the Calcium and/or the Silver as I have not changed anything else. I'm excited to try more products now!

Cheryl Skinnell


Forgive me if this is a bit long winded, but there are tears in my eyes as I write these words. I am 27 years old and have Cerebral Palsy. I also suffer from Osteoperosis and arthritis. The arthritis kicked in at age 20, and has gotten progrssively worse until several hours ago when I took my very first dose of Coral Calcium. I noticed immediate relief that lasted about six hours. When the pain kicked in again, I took another dose and now I'm completely pain free. I can't describe the euphoria I'm in right now. This morning I barely got out of bed and now I have full mobility of my left arm. My knees and hips don't ache, and I can turn my head from side to side. I've had no reaction from the Silver Solution, and added that to my regimen as well. Thank you for giving me back my functionality!

Jessica Moore


My wife has Rheumatoid Arthritis and Nothing the Rheumatologist has done has really helped.
She even developed Vasculitis and her immune system was further destroyed by Cytotoxan treatments.
She was against ordering Coral Calcium but I did it any way and had to sneak it into her distilled water.
The first night I gave it to her, had her drink it before she went to bed was the first night she slept
straight thru without whimpering and moaning all night in her sleep. She had been a real couch potato for
several months, napping on and off. About a week or so of taking it. One Sachet in a glass of distilled
water plus 4 Sachets I had put in her gallon jugs of distilled water, we went shopping at Wal-mart. We were in
a hurry and there were no electric carts available. Instead of waiting as we usually do, she grabbed a regular
push cart and, believe me, I could barely keep up with her.

Kenneth Fuqua


This is an update to the testimonial I gave a year ago. I have tried every new little fad supplement that ever came around. I can't recall ever taking one for more than two months. I never had one that really impressed me beyond that period of time. I am still taking the coral calcium on a daily basis. I have since come to my laymans theory as to why it has helped my sinus/allergy condition. As I had stated in my prior testimonial which is still on the site, I had suffered with sinus infections and severe sinus congestion immensely for the previous 15 years. I used to have a chronic sinus infection 300 days out of every year. (full blown sinus infection with the yellow discharge and all. The Doctors I went to failed to provide me any relief. They would give me these expensive anti-biotics which never helped. Now here comes my explanation as to why calcium cured me and anti-biotics failed. There is recent discussion that sinus infections are not caused by a bateria at all. They are caused by a fungus. I found an article that stated the discharge from sinus infections had traces of fungus. Antibiotics are useless against a fungus. There is not antibiotic in existence that can cure a fungus. The guys who import this stuff claim that our bodies are too acidic. THey claim that an acidic environment contributes to certain diseases. My conclusion is that A Sinus infection caused by a fungus will flourish in an acidic environment. I take the calcium, I reduce the acidic environment in my body fluids, thus a fungus cannot survive. I am still allergic to most of the things I have always been allergic to. But these allergens no longer cause severe congestion in my sinuses. Utterly amazing. One more thing. It cured my Chronic Heartburn too. Cured, not helped. Cured. I live in the heart of Cajun Country. You take a cajuns spicy food away, and he would just as soon quit living.(by the way, for all you guys who think you make a dish "cajun" by pouring on the pepper sauce, that is not true cajun cooking. We enhance it with dozens of different seasonings, pepper is only a small part of it. Genuine Cajun cooking is highly seasoned, but mildly spicy) My chronic acid indigestion is gone. I did not have to change my diet. I still eat the fried foods, Tabasco sauce and all the other spices I have always loved. Yet they no longer cause me heartburn. My conclusion again here, is that taking the calcium gives my body fluids a ph balance. Sometimes big conditions have a simple answer. If you take this for heartburn, I will also add that it was at least two months before my heartburn was cured. Whereas my sinuses were relieved in two weeks.
Any Questions, you can email me at "pecantree@earthlink.net" or catch me on the instant aol messenger as "porktreemonster"

Corey Romero


Hello, my name is Lewis H. Conner Jr. a new member of Nutronix International as of November 2001. I use to have chronic back aches, but since using Coral Calcium I have them much less frequently. I also gave some samples to a fellow co-worker of mine and after using this product for about a week he has told me that he suddenly began to notice that his knees no longer bothered him with pain and has more flexibility in his joints.... Incidently, he also recently had a bad case of the "Flu" and told me that in record time the body aches where completely gone "ONLY" after using the Coral Calcium...

Lewis H. Conner


When I started taking Coral Calcium, I stopped all other nutritionals, so I could see what the calcium would do for me. I have to tell you, I feel fantastic! My digestive system is working better than it ever has. I have lots of energy, and an overall feeling of well being. I put the used Coral Calcium packets in my pets water, and I've noticed that my nine year old husky, Sasha, is very frisky now.

My husband used the Silver Solutions to help get rid of a cough he had for over a month. Within two days his cough was gone!

Thanks for the opportunity to share,

Susan Robinson


My names is Wayne Womack, I Live in Rockford, Illinois. I joined Nutronix International last October and after using Coral Calcium for 2 months, my Eczema, that I had for 15 months was almost gone. Now, it is gone.


Wayne Womack


I started taking Coral Calcium packets in October when I joined Nutronix International. At first I didn't think much about the product and honestly, I figured it was just another hyped up health product among the thousands that have flooded the market. I have been suffering from a painfully debilitating and demoralizing problem with my tailbone for many years. The pain would affect my hips, my back and greatly affected the way I walked. This problem had me routinely visiting a chiropractor but after some time he finally had me have x-rays taken. The physician's report stated that I most likely was suffering from sacroilitis (inflammation of the sacro-ilium) due to demineralization of the bone.

The doctors didn't really do much to actually rid me of this problem apart from prescribing pain killers and continued visits to the chiro.

Shortly after taking the Coral Calcium I realized that I was no longer experiencing the nagging discomfort and pain that has plagued my for many years. I would wake up in the morning with no stiffness or pain. I know for sure that Coral Calcium is responsible for ridding me of this terrible problem. It's great to feel normal again and not having to walk around crippled. The Coral Calcium somehow corrected the demineralization of my bones. I haven't been to my chiropractor since and I'm very grateful that God has blessed me with chancing upon Nutronix International which introduced me to Coral Products.

Mr. Palmer
Teacher in N.Y.C.



I would like to discuss what I have encountered so far from using Nutronix International's products. And I am sorry this is so long.

First, I had two problems I have been concerned with. The first is my neck and back problem. I have messed up my back some 10 years ago. I have been to four chiropractors, two physicians, and have been to physical therapist several times. I was told there would be no cure, and I would have to go to a chiropractor for the rest of my life. "WRONG!"

I did go to chiropractors for many years. And it was always the same. By the next week I had to go in, I was in pain. It seemed that right after an adjustment, and I would walk out their office door, I would have pain again. I finally got tired of going to have my back adjusted, and paying for a service I was not seeing any results, so I quit going.

I have struggled for several years with pain in my neck, actually a pinched nerve right under the right side of the skull. Then also, I have my sciatic nerve that gets pinched every once and a while, sometimes to the point where I can not be up walking around normally without having a shooting pain from my nerve that goes down from my lower back to my one knee.

About the same time I started in the business, and started on coral calcium, I also started yoga, or a branch of yoga called kundalini yoga. And I will say, I did not receive a complete healing, but from these two things, I can now do daily activity without worrying about my back giving out on me. This has been the first time of many years, that I have felt good and healthy. I have added Coral's
02 proformance Hydration and coral calcium formula. One might ask, "How do you not know that it is the yoga that is helping, and not the calcium?" I know because being the experimenter I am, and the skeptic, I went without it for two weeks to test it. And I did start having more pain by the end of the day. Since I have gone back to using these calcium products, I am still feeling much better.

I also know that since I started using the Cellfood products I have more energy and I tire less during a work day.

I have also helped my sinus or allergy problem when it occurs using the New Silver Solution. For the last few years I have been experiencing sneezing fits, for lack of a proper word, where my nose would just start itching and I would just keep sneezing. I have tried to figure out what is causing this for a year or so, and I do study remedies to a degree for many illnesses and ailments, the same reason Nutronix International program took my eye. Anyway, I substituted a mixture I used to make or a solution that was of table salt and distilled water with pure Silver Solution. I would lay back on my bed and tilt my head off the edge, and slowly squirt one full eye dropper full of the Silver Solution up each nasal passage. It burns a little, but that singles it is working. After a few minutes of letting the solution go through my nasal passage, I would sit back up and blow everything out of my nose. If if is clogged a little, I might try a second application. But this cleared it up in about thirty minutes or less on most occasions.

I use Biozyme Plus for my acid indigestion problem. You see, when your young, over eat and eat fast because of a fast paced lifestyle, when you get older you will pay for it, and I know that now for a fact. Biozyme has really, and almost completely, removed those times I would otherwise go grab some Tums or Rolaids, even Pepcid AC. A lot of people do not realize, that it is better to take products that are natural than those I have just described, no matter if they say they have calcium in or not. We live in a society of pill poppers. That is what does not make sense to me, we have commercial telling kids to stay off of illegal drugs, but we see pharmacetical companies promoting legal drugs all of the time. A mixed message if you ask me.

I like a lot of Coral's products, actually, I like them that much I can not afford to purchase them all in a month that I would like. I still
have a few I want to try in the near future.

All I can say is, if people would just try these products for several months, they would notice the effects. Taking supplements is a lot like building a business. Nothing happens overnight. So even taking these products as fine as they are, will not cure a person's illnesses or ailments in a week or two. Sometimes, it depends on how bad, and how long the individual had the problem in the first place. And that will depend on how long it might take for them to see results. Then there are times the results can be felt or seen almost instantaneously.


Michael J. Homan


I've read the many testimonials at Nutronix International's website before actually taking the product myself. When the coral calcium came to me for the first time, it was just obvious that I should try it. So, following the instruction I had one sachet into a 1.5 litre of water. It wasn't to try it out of curiosity, but I was hoping it would really cure my suffering from an incessant pain at the back of my neck, that was so bad it hurt right down to my right arm's muscles. Within three days of drinking the coral calcium, the excruciating pain just stopped. It was gone! I know because I could once again turned my neck in any way I like. I felt so relieved from that horrible, phyical discomfort that I, too, must write in to tell you my simple, true story.

Loyal Member,
Tham Boon Ping


An 11-year NFL veteran (1978-88), Todd Christensen established himself as one of the most prolific tight ends in league history. His career stats of 461 receptions, 5,874 yards and 52 TDs included 392 receptions from 1983-86, the greatest four-year total in NFL history. He was a five-time All-Pro pick (1983-87), and led the NFL in receiving in 1983 & '86. He was also a member of the Raiders' Super Bowl champion squads in 1981 (XV) & `84 (XVIII).

On October 9th of the year 2000 I was diagnosed after some internal difficulties with something called primary schlerosing cholangitis. This is somewhat of a dibilitating disease and at the time I was somewhat disconcerted simply because of the fact that anywhere from 8-12 years I was faced with having a liver transplant. Now while we're in the technologically advanced age and that should not be as upsetting as it could be, it still was simply because of the fact that this was something that was beyond my control and frankly beyond the control of the doctors which I found inexcusable.

So as a result of that I decided to be a little more proactive and not trust completely in the physician's care but rather do some things that I thought might certainly benefit my system. So six days after that initial diagnosis, my sister-in-law, Deborah Noorlander, had mentioned to me that she had had some friends and acquaintances that had some success with Coral Calcium.

Frankly, I didn't have a lot to lose so I opted to take this product, in addition to altering my diet and consuming large quantities of water and continuing an exercise program that is quite stringent but in the realm of my capabilities. After 2 months on the product my blood test which had revealed a high level of acidity had plateaued. At the time I hardly rejoiced but certainly at that point that things were seemingly going in a positive direction.

When I was most excited would have been on March 15th, exactly 5 months from the beginning of taking this product. When I took my blood tests for my liver diagnostics as well as the LDLs, HDLs and those things of a lipid nature, with the exception of one category, everything was normal! At this point in time, that is not something that should have come to fruition but in realty did. So certainly at that point I was much more joyous than I had been in the past and certainly more optimistic about how this could proceed.

Now having said that, I would be remiss if I didn't mention at this point I am certainly not out of the woods where my problems are concerned. But as a result of the products that I have taken in this period of time, most prominantly, I would have to say Coral Calcium, I am in the right direction health wise. So I am anticipating in the 3-5 months if I have a similar improvement where everything retains itself in the norm, it could be, as I have discussed with some of the physicians, the idea that the original diagnosis could indeed be incorrect and something could be mimicking that. And if indeed Coral Calcium is contributing to the regression of the disease than I have many people to thank. And at this point I am certainly optimisitic that this is well within the realm of possibility that that could come to fruition.

So I am somebody who is very grateful for the opportunity to take this product because it has been beneficial and I hope that down the line and can be one of those that jumps up and down and pays homage to the healing prospect of this and it's totality. And as I say at this point in time, that is my hope and that is what I'm optimistic for. And could certainly encourage any of you people who are debating as to whether this is a legitimate product, simply based on what has happened to me over the last 5 months, I would certainly have to give it a stamp of approval. And along with a proper diet and some exercise and focusing on your health this is certainly an additive that is beneficial.


My medical training started in 1959 when I entered Nursing School. I received my RN in 1962. It did not take long for me to become disenchanted with the allopathic medical field. I left it in 1965. Since that time I have received a masters in Herbology and am a Certified Natural Health Care Professional. My current studies are for my Ph.D. in Naturopathy.

I was introduced to Coral Calcium in March 1996 during a very bad siege of fibromyalgia that had left me virtually bedridden. In fact it so completely affected me that it was all I could do to take care of my "necessary bodily functions" without help to and from the bathroom. I was no longer living I was existing! And not very well at that. Sixteen years before I had broken my neck, I suffered from arthritis since I was about 17 years old and now the newest malady, fibromyalgia. All my experience in the herbal field was doing me no good.... I did find minimal relief, but certainly not enough to "live" my life.

It only took three days on the coral to see a dramatic difference in my life. I was able to get up and down stairs unassisted for the first time in over 16 years! It was like a whole new life had been given to me. The joy was so much that I could not contain it. I told everyone I knew about it and when they saw me they could scarcely believe that it was the same person.

But the real miracle is about my grandson Marty and his horrific fight with cancer for 5 years before getting on Coral Calcium.

It was March 24th, 1996 when my son called me one night in utter collapse. He did tell me that he had been told nothing more could be done for Marty medically, except a bone marrow transplant, for which a donor could not be found. He was told that even with the bone marrow transplant his chances were only about 10-15 percentage of staying alive. But he didn't tell me that Marty was on the morphine drip and how close he really was to "the end".

My son (Pat) and daughter-in-law (Barbie) asked me if I thought anything natural could be used for Marty. I had never seen my son in such utter helplessness. My heart was breaking. I had just found out about the coral calcium in the beginning of March and had astounding results with it for myself. I told him honestly, I didn't know too much about the coral and all the properties, but it sure wouldn't harm him and certainly was worth a try.

We air shipped the coral out to him the next day.... and on March 27th, of 1996 Marty started mega dosing on Coral Calcium. Within days his pain has subsided. On April 15th that year he went for a new blood test. The doctors were amazed and completely blown away..... ALL HIS BLOOD COUNTS WERE NORMAL....... AND NO CANCER CELLS!!!!!

It is such a blessing that we have Marty with us today .... and many, many more that I have had a mission to help. Is it about money? I don't think so..... I give away more coral than I could possibly make money selling. But when my grandson was "saved" I made it a mission to help all those who could not afford the coral. When a person is that ill and has spent literally all of their life savings trying to get well allopathically, they just truly cannot afford it. (My son had to file bancruptcy to get through all of Marty's medical bills) I just thank God each and every day that the means are here for me to provide to all those that are in need. We are on retirement now, so it is difficult some days.

But, along with this comes the blessing of increased business, and the ability to help even more people. May God enrich and bless each of us as we go on our mission to help and get people back into perfect health.

God bless and be well,

Sandra Foley
New York


Thank you Nutronix International! I live in North Texas and have had sinus headaches and pressure associated with them for years. I have been using the Coral Calcium now for 3 weeks and my headaches are gone! Zilch, nada, zero. I haven't changed a thing other than start taking Coral Calcium. My wife is a 2 time breast cancer survivor and I immediately started her on the Coral, Cellfood, and The new Silver Solution for their preventive properties. Thank you for these wonderful products.

James 'Ted' Berry
Iowa Park, Texas, USA


Dear Nutronix International:

I was introduced to Coral Calcium on March 17, 1998.  At the time I wasn't so much concerned about myself but for my children.  At 33 I thought I was in good health, which to me means I'm not at the doctor's office.

Soon I realized how much I needed this product. The first week my hemorrhoids and yeast infection were gone. After 3 weeks I noticed I wasn't taking extra strenghth Tylenol for my headaches, which averaged 2 to 3 per week.  And I wasn't taking anything for my sinuses either. My Athlete's foot went away!  At night my hip would hurt and  I would wake up and turn over until the other one would hurt.  That problem went away.   Not only do I get a good nights sleep but I can actually exercise again. I could not ride my bike because my legs would hurt so bad and it was not worth the pain. Now I can ride 2 miles and can get up the next day with NO PAIN!  I can chew gum again (I had a slight case of TMJ). It has also helped my compexion and indigestion. After 5 months I knew I would never get off this product.  I had 3 varicose veins, which I never paid attention to because they didn't hurt and it was part of growing older, right?  Well,  I noticed 2 were spider veins, yes, they had repaired themselves! The larger one was still their but I knew that one was better than 3 and it would help my other veins from becoming varicose.  I recommend Coral Calcium to anyone as early as in the womb (Building a house starts with a good foundation).  I never leave home without it.

My son Jacob suffered from the dreaded disease Asthma. Jacob developed asthma when he was 14 months old and ever since then it has been a nightmare.  Every 1 to 3 months we would have to go to the Doctor for antibiotics and a prescription for cough.  I put him on the Coral Calcium when he was 4 years old.  I gave him the water before school and after school and he cleared up.  His Doctor wrote a prescription for him at school for the lunch room.  We finished the school year with NO asthma!  The following year he would not drink his water at school.  One afternoon we returned home and our neighbor was burning sugar cane.  You can imagine what happened to Jacob. It was back to the Doctor because I had nothing to give him and he had a horrible cough. The following Tuesday I ordered a Value Pack from The Nutronix International. The following Monday I received my pack which included Cellfood.  I reduced the amount of Cellfood to half in half the amount of distilled water. Jacob is a good drinker so it was down in no time.  The cough was gone almost immediately. I kept this regimen for a week giving Jacob the Cellfood once in the morning and once at night.  Then I decided to give him The NEW Silver Solution for about a week.   It has been about 3 months and he has not had asthma since!  I think The NEW Silver Solution might have killed a bacteria he has had since he was 14 months old!  Boy, would that be a miracle! Also, his eczema was gone within 5 days and his coordination has improved tremendously. I thank God he has given us something so simple that we can actually keep in our kitchen cabinet!

May God Bless you and your family,

Edith Daigle


Dear Nutronix International:

I had severe pustular psoriasis under my feet with extreme itching and swelling, allergies, headaches, pain in joints, no energy, poor circulation in legs, unable to sleep well at night, irritable bowel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, hemorroids.

About 10 years ago after my hysterectomy, I developed pustular psoriasis under my feet. I went to 3 dermatologists and they all gave me the same diagnosis and sent me home with the latest prescription on the market. These prescriptions were very expensive and none worked. My feet became so sick that they were really thick and red with pussy lesions and the swelling was unbearable. The itching kept me from sleeping at night. There were days, I was in tears because I could not even walk. I gained more weight and developed other health problems because of all the inactivity.

When Coral Calcium was introduced to me, I was very ready and willing to try it with blind faith knowing that it is an all natural product.  After two days on this product, the itching and leg cramps were gone and I began sleeping like a baby and woke up full of energy. In the last two years, I was never off my feet. They did hurt at times but I was still able to carry on. My tendonitis and bursitis is gone. No more headaches. I no longer buy antacids and allergy pills because I can eat all the raw fruit and vegetables I want and no more hemorrhoids.

I have watched my feet improve slowly over the last two years and I no longer have pustular psoriasis. My feet do itch on occasion but it is because of eating red meat and pork. We have to remember that your diet and exercise and vitamins are just as important as taking these Health products.

I still had psoriasis under my feet with redness, dryness and flaking on my skin. I knew that Cell Food, Cell Food Silica and Cell Food Diet was coming in my business starter pack. When my order came in 12 days ago, I began taking them immediately because I had already studied all the benefits.

Now my feet are already back to their natural skin color with no more redness. The flaky dry skin is already becoming natural looking skin. The skin on my feet is already naturally moisturized and supple and all the fine lines are beginning to show up again. I even noticed that my feet are ticklish again, a big welcome to that because that insures me they are really becoming normal. I still have psoriasis in spots but I am now encouraged that both my feet will be back to normal with time as I continue drinking Coral Calcium and using all the cell food products.

Brenda Onellion


I suffered with "Migraine Headaches" twice a month, every month for over three years. After going to three different doctors and taking several prescription drugs, I continued to have them. I started drinking Coral Calcium every day in July, 1998.  The frequency of my migraines slowed down to about only four or five the entire year of 1998. When I did have one, it was very mild and only lasted for one day instead of three or four. Now I rarely have one at all. This is exactly what I was looking for, something to prevent the migraines instead of just treating the symptoms each time I got one.

I also have suffered with "Restless Legs Syndrome" since I was a child. Coral Calcium has also taken care of that problem as well!

I started my eight year old son on it also. He would wake up during the night crying with his legs hurting. His pediatrician told us he was suffering from "Growing Pains" and there was nothing could be done about them. He sleeps through the night and hasn't had any "Growing Pains" since he started drinking the water in July, 1998.

Drink the Water!

Cynthia Witt


In July of 1998, I was diagnosed with Sympathetic Distrophy because of severe pain in my legs. My doctor told me there was no known cause or cure, so he put me on muscle relaxers and pain relievers. I could not sleep at night and my legs hurt just by touching them.

Also, after my doctor doing numerous x-rays, I was also diagnosed with Osteoarthritis because of the pain in the back of my neck and the curvature of my spine. I was put on an anti-inflamatory drug called Daypro.

At this point I felt like my health was really deteriorating. I was sleeping 12 hours a day and still feeling tired. My doctor also did a blood test and found nothing wrong or unusual.

I also suffered from severe acid indigestion and would get it about 3 times a week.

A friend introduced the Coral Calcium to me and I started taking it daily, drinking around 4 quarts a day of the Coral water. Within 4 days of drinking the Coral, my energy level went up so much that I was only sleeping 6 to 7 hours a day and feeling well rested.

I stopped taking all medications and within 2 weeks of drinking the Coral water, the pain in my legs was gone, the pain from my Osteoarthritis was gone, and also, I have not had acid indigestion since being on this product.

I also found, after taking this product for a couple of months, that I wasn't eating as much and starting loosing weight, which i need to loose because i was somewhat overweight.

I have been pain free for 3 years now and I go nowhere without taking my Coral Calcium with me. I am so thankful to have this product and I feel my health is at it's optimum now.

Melanie Ducote


Since I was 16, I had bronchitus like allergies whenever around dogs and cats. I am now 31. This was tough for me since I am a big dog lover and always wanted to have another one. I started drinking the coral in December of 2000 and within 2 weeks my allergies were gone, with the exception of a few hives. I continued drinking it and about 2 months after that I went into a pet store and there were no more hives! The sneezing, watery eyes, scratchy throat etc are gone. Pollen and dust don't even effect me anymore. My fiance used to have problems digesting certain foods due to an ulcer. He got on the coral and one night had a big Italian dinner. The next day I commented that he wasn't complaining of any pain...He realized that his stomach didn't bother him and tested it again by having Italian the 2nd night. And again he was fine. He now drinks the coral every day. He no longer has headaches like he used to either. Thanks a million for bringing these products to us!!

Dawn Pisacano


I have suffered with chronic headaches for 28 years. I have spent 28 years trying so many different kinds of medications I can't even remember what I have taken. But nothing has ever worked. I had a headache almost every day of my life. They would last any where for 2 days to 45 days. I would go to bed with it and get up with it.

About three months ago my brother ask me to try Coral Calcium. Best thing I have ever done in my life. My headaches were fewer and not as severe. My energy level is unreal.Yesterday I got up so full of energy, headache free and with the biggest smile I have had in years. I called my brother and sister-in-law and we all rejoiced over the phone. I will never be without these 3 products I have mentioned.

I take no medications at all and I have not had a soda in over 2 months. I am on top of the world. I owe it all to my brother and sister-in-law.

Thank you so much and I love you guys.
Frances Huskey


I am sold on the benefits of the coral calcium. My cousin told me about it and gave me a months supply. She and her husband claimed all sorts of results that seemed far fetched to me. I'll try anything once. After being on it for two weeks, I no longer had the desire to rest in the afternoon. I have suffered from severe chronic sinus infections for the past ten years. My head was always congested. I had yellow discharge from my sinuses on a regular basis. I never went ten days without a sinus infection in the last ten yrs. I just accepted it as my personal cross to carry. Oh well, it could be worse I would always say. The sinus problems kept me feeling at half speed. I have been on coral calcium for 30 days now. I have not taken a sinus pill in over two weeks. Prior to taking this stuff, during the last ten years, I had not gone 3 days with out taking some kind of sinus medicine. I wake up so fresh. My mom keeps telling me it may be the placebo effect. No possible way. I was not expecting these results. With the placebo explanation, you go in expecting certain results. I had not expected anything, I just decided to try it and see. Prior to the coral calcium I had the craving for cola. I would drink no less than 3 or 4 colas each and every day of my life during the last ten yrs. The craving has nearly vanished. I only drink about ten percent of what I used to consume. This stuff works. If anybody wants to know if I am for real, you may contact me at pecantree@earthlink.net I am sold. Never in my life did I expect to find a simple solution to my lifelong sinus suffering.

Thanks Brenda for turning me on to Coral Calcium!



Joseph Chicurel, D.D.S., Virginia
I want to thank you for introducing me to Coral Calcium.  My experience with it has been fantastic and long lasting. I had chronic indigestion and intestinal problems for years. Tums and Tagemet were regular pre-meal necessities.  My intestinal distress, diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, was eased with Bentyl but never eliminated.  I just thought I would have to live with the discomfort and distress.

Everything changed when I started drinking water with Coral Calcium in it. I have to admit I was very skeptical that grains of Coral added to my drinking water would change my digestive system or any system of the body.  It has been almost one full year since I started the Coral and it has changed my life.  I put it in all my liquids! I’ve even given it to patients to help their hydration and mineralization after bone grafting procedures.  To my further amazement, they reported decreased or even eliminated PMS symptoms, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, and just feeling better in general. The Coral definitely can be therapeutic for some but is certainly  an excellent calcium and mineral supplement.  The alkalinization derived from drinking coral water has improved my health.  Thanks again for the Coral Calcium.


Shari Green, Virginia
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how Coral Calcium has helped me.  On a scale of one to ten, my PMS rated a fifteen.  I ruined several weeks of my life every month.  Leg cramps were immediately relieved, and after 8 months of daily Coral Calcium, I am thrilled to say that on that scale of one to ten, I would now rate my PMS as a one, if that.  Thanks for giving me back my sanity!


Amy Byrd, Virginia
I just wanted to update my condition after using Coral Calcium for the last few months.  My energy level has lifted to the point my children have even noticed.  “Mom you’re running everywhere now.”

February 1997, I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, plantar fascitis or extreme foot pain and depression.  This was after years of chronic pain, excrutiating fatigue, and stress related depression.  However, the prescriptions given were for sleep and depression - nothing related to nutrition except lose weight.

A few months ago, Terry McDowell gave me a few envelopes of calcium and finally after trying to remember to do this every day, I began to be consistent with the calcium and cut the sodas out.  My energy increased, the pain is subsiding, the fatigue is leaving - especially the brain fatigue, and the stamina is changing.  I worked with herbal preparations since 1992 and nothing worked as fast as Coral Calcium.  Even my children are now drinking more water.  That’s a miracle in itself.  Thanks Coral Calcium.


Wanda Clark, California
I was 57 years old and completely miserable – arthritis had a hold of me.  By October of 1995 I had both knees and a hip so sore I could not walk without a cane. Since it hurt to move, I became more inactive and depressed.  On our way home after a trip my husband and I listened to a tape of information and testimonials about Coral Calcium.  I was amazed.  All I could say to my husband was, “Why don’t we have some of this stuff?”  As soon as we got home he ordered some.  Within 5 days after I began taking it the constant pain was completely gone. Within 8 days not only was the pain gone but I could walk without my cane.  I was also able to sleep the whole night through.


Margaret Caprye, Washington
I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 22 years and was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  Medications caused ulcer disease.  Over a year ago I began to have so much pain I was unable to work.  My daily chores became a burden.  Three weeks ago I started using Coral Calcium.  What a change!  I am now pain-free.  My intestinal problems are gone and my cholesterol which was 336 is now 273.  Walking is not a chore for me now.  I cannot say enough positive things about Coral Calcium.  It is truly a miracle.


Patty A. Goff, Virginia
I am a 60 plus, working grandmother. I had aching in my shoulders, back and especially my knees.  After taking Coral Calcium for a few days, my aches have all but disappeared.  If I miss a day the aching comes back.


Gene Shelton, Texas
In 1993 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had surgery to remove my  prostate.  In March of 1997 I had a heart attack.  I am 63 years old and it seemed all of a sudden I was starting to fall apart.  In 1995 I developed a rash on my ankles and in the middle of my back that would not clear up.  After going to the Dermatologist and trying several different types of ointments, nothing seemed to help.

After starting on Coral Calcium on Thursday morning (2 days after starting), that I woke up feeling absolutely fantastic. I am probably the most  skeptical person you have ever met and I was not about to give Coral Calcium the credit.  For the last few years I have been on different kinds of blood pressure medicine and they all had many different side effects.  For the last few years I have seemed to be in a fog.  I am no longer in a fog!  I feel great!  I feel like I am 21 years old again.  The rash I mentioned is almost completely gone after 7 days.  I have more energy than I have had for years.  I am completely sold on Coral  Calcium and intend to get all three of my children and all five of my grandchildren on it as soon as possible.


Jesse Avalos, Virginia
I had problems with my stomach for the past 15 years.  I would get stomach pain, gas and tenderness.  It would last 2 to 3 days at a time and usually every 2 to 3 weeks would recur.  The pains have gotten so bad that my breathing would become shallow.  After many tests, the doctors finally determined that the problems with my stomach were caused by stress, in my case anxiety.  When I was introduced to Coral Calcium the problems with my stomach settled down within 2 days and the problems have never come back.


Warren L. Tillmannshofer, California
For the past 10 years I have suffered with extreme pain in my left shoulder and midback.  Three doctors stated I would not get better.  Although I tried many products to stop the arthritis, none worked.  Time went on and my blood pressure went up, I developed high cholesterol and gained weight.  The sad part of the story is, due to the pain, I missed playing sports with my sons.  After 10 days using Coral Calcium I was able to exercise without pain for the first time in 10 years.  Twenty four days later I could sleep all night without pain.  Coral Calcium has given me wonderful health, energy and a new life with my family.  I realize now why people are so excited about Coral Calcium.


Dr. Bailey, Ohio
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1978, and along with the disease came excruciating pain.  In 1986, a pump was surgically installed in my abdomen, which put morphine into my spinal fluid 24 hours a day.  Last year, after nine times in the hospital and eight surgeries, someone introduced me to colloidal minerals which began to turn my life around, but did not alleviate the pain.  When I heard about the Coral Calcium, I thought, “How is a calcium product going to help me?”  Well, I first tried it June 24th, and it didn’t take me long to realize that this was not the run-of-the-mill calcium!  About the first of July, I realized that I had no pain!  For the first time in 19 years I can work 12 hours a day without stopping to lie down.


Cecelia B., Arizona
Three years ago, I fell on some ice and I broke my ankle.  I am a nurse, and last year in September after a very hard shift, I was diagnosed by a doctor as having arthritis . . . My ankle swelled up so much that I just couldn’t get around. When you work in a very busy hospital, you’ve got to keep going.  I was so surprised when in July I started on the Coral Calcium . . . I am now able to keep up with everybody else and I walk a good five to miles a day!  In September of this year, I had a doctor re-examine my leg - he was amazed to find out that I no longer have arthritis  in my ankle!


Norman Tan
I joined Nutronix International recently and was advised by my friend to try out the coral calcium for my allergy rhinitis problem. Just last Thursday, I went for a holiday with my family of eight with a international cruise liner. It's a beautiful ship with all kinds of facilities, great food, entertainment and casinos but only one setbackck - the drinking water. The water is too chlorinated! You can even taste the strong chlorine presence in the boiled water. Many of the visitors were complaining and we were concerned about the water's effects on our health, especially the young ones and a baby. Fortunately, I carried along quite a number of sachets of coral calcium for the trip. I distributed them equally to members of my family to add into the drinking water. All of them were amazed of the instant transformation of the taste of drinking water. The chlorine water were neutralized and its horrible taste gone within seconds! All of us enjoyed drinking the water even more after I told them about the goodness of it's added magnesium and calcium. That's after it get rid of the impurities and chlorine and turned the water's acidity into alkaline level. That means so much for all of us. My brother-in-law have started to place order for the coral calcium despite the fact that he owned two water purifier system sets at home. He said that both will compliment each other. Water purifier take away impurities but also the natural goodness of minerals while adding coral calcium into it will enhance the water with the needed calcium and magnesium. Coral calcium is definitely a must our everyday consumption and for those who travel frequently. Thanks to my friend for recommending this great product.


Andrew Ng
Recently, I am suffering from excessive fatigue and insomia due to stress and overwork. After my 12 hours work, I returned home dead tired but just couldn't sleep. It affects my day-time work as I am always very tired throughout the day. I nearly got into accident many times because of my tireness and falling asleep while driving. Two weeks ago, my friends passed me an envelope of coral calcium and asked me to try the products. I used to take all kinds of supplements like ginseng, tonic, multi-vitamins, tranfer-factor and have tried alternatives like negative ion mat, acupunture,massage,reiki,oxygen therapy and others. All dosn't help but merely relieve the symdroms for a while. Until I take coral calcium with alkalyse! Now I am feeling better and living a fuller life and I got to understand why 7 million Japanese are taking them. My strongest recommendation to all to try this great products.


Lynn Wood
I am continually amazed by the benefits of Cellfood for myself and for others we know. All the Nutronix International products are great but my favorite is Cellfood. A lot of people think Cellfood is for those that are very very sick. And it is, but it is also great for everyday use, young or old. My son who is 21 years old takes Cellfood. He poo-pooed the idea of supplements forever, but I finally got him to try Cellfood! He used to have allergies and colds all the time. It's been months now since he's been sick. I use it in my water at meals because the digestive and metabolic enzymes in it keeps me from having heartburn and indigestion. I've been a staunch Cellfood user for several years now. Before Cellfood, I had a hietal hernia that really flared up after I ate and if you've ever had that you know how bad that can hurt. Since taking Cellfood, I haven't noticed it. Before Cellfood, because of a bad 9 weeks in high school with lung problems, I would get out of breath when trying to carry anything slightly heavy upstairs and if I tried to sprint up the stairs I would almost pass out. And hey guys, this was happening when I was in my 20's and I was exercising faithfully. Very frustrating. Now with Cellfood I can sprint up the stairs and carry on a conversation at the same time! The latest thing I've noticed is the color of my eyes. Actually my husband noticed them first. I thought with age my eyes had changed color to hazel, kind of a muddy yellow brown. Yuch! Now they are brighter and clearer and they actually have the color I had when I was younger. Hooray for Cellfood! I now have started a morning toddy of a squirt of Cellfood and about 10 to 15 drops of Cellfood Silica in Coral water every morning as soon as I get up and even if I feel tired when I first get out of bed….after my Coral,Cellfood, Cellfood Silica toddy, I am awake and feel great! If you haven't tried these products, especially Cellfood, I want to encourage you to try them. Make it a great day!


Sue Kulpinski, Minnesota
After mononucleosis and gall bladder surgery at age 21, I went from perfect health into a chronic state of fatigue and pain. Eighteen years of conventional and alternative care and a strict healthy diet did nothing to alleviate my condition.

At age 39 things went from bad to worse. My chronic fatigue further degenerated into fibromyalgia. My legs became so weak and painful that I could hardly walk down the block. As a mother of three I was desperate for a solution. In the following 12 months, I removed all of my mercury fillings, went through chelation (IV removal of metals in tissues), received approximately 800 shots to the bone over my entire body in a matter of 4 months and worked with a nutritionist. You can only imagine the disappointment of investing thousands of dollars with no result to show for it.

In December of 2000 I recieved a phone call from a woman at my clinic who informed me of a natural product, coral calcium, that alleviated most of her pain. I was skeptical but desperate to try anything. I started on a high dosage of 6 sachets of coral calcium per day to saturate my tissues. In a matter of 3 weeks my husband and I were both amazed that I was walking pain-free! I also noticed that after only 5 days, my irritated gums which would not accept a crown for over 2 years became pain-free. My chronic fatigue is slowly but surely improving by the week.

I have since put my whole family on the product, my husband's soreness in his knee and elbow have disappeared and I am thrilled to know that my children are using a 100% absorbable calcium product. My only regret is that the Japanese did not share the secret of Okinawa Coral with us sooner. The best time to get on this product is when you are healthy because prevention is much easier than a cure.


Jack Folker
I just wanted to let you know how the coral calcium has helped me. I developed psoriasis while in college 28 years ago and tried every traditional medication available over the years just to keep it under control. I was told early on that it was uncurable. I went through the coal tar treatments that ruined all my clothes, I then graduated to steroid treatments for the last 15 years. I was only able to keep it in check if I religiously purchased appox. $ 60.00 prescription each week! Two months ago Steve Banis introduced me to the Nutronix International opportunity and sent me a sample of the coral calcium. I started drinking the coral in my water, and after a week or so , I noticed some improvements. (When you have psoriasis on your arms and legs, it's tough to get through the summer at the beach and you notice any improvements right away!) I joined the business and when I recieved my Value Pack and read up on the other products. There had been some testimonial of other psoriasis cases having improvement by taking the New Silver Solution and spraying it on the rash. I started spraying once a day and this really accelerated the healing. Between the coral calcium and the New Silver Solution, I am certain the psoriasis will be gone in a month or so after 28years of frustration.I also started taking cellfood as a suppliment last week and I feel this will even further accelerate the healing process.These products are incredible!!!



Glenda Miller
I was an English teacher 18 yrs. ago when I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. With Parkinson's medication one can't mix it with pain or nerve medication, my muscles were in excrusiating pain, and because of the pain I would get depressed. Which stress blocks the SINEMET impairing movement and increasing rigidity. This sets the stage for the painful dystonia which generally starts in my left foot working its way up the leg into the hip and often into my upper body cavity gripping my left arm and shoulders. Sometimes this condition may persist a few hours--sometimes serveral. So as you can see I could not get rest. Neither sleep nor rest was possible. Sinse then I have had a "microbe-guided pallidotom" to zap free radicals in the brain which cause the havoc of Parkinson's. Well I was then introduced to coral calcium in April of 1998 and all the literature that I had read about the minerals, I discovered that free radicals are kept in check in my water before I put them in my mouth, one of my students Edith Daigle asked me to trust her and try it, so I did. After just about 2 days I had no more excruciating pain, muscle spasms were gone; I could sleep pain free comfortably through the night.(whereas, I used to wake up every two hours or so, I have energy levels that are unbelievable compared to how I used to be.) Within 24 hours of the first quart of water I cut my lawn with a push mower! I never thought I would beable to do that again! I do so well, that my condition is often questioned.(It is like flood gates open and endorfpins are popping left and right). People can't explain why my mind goes into fast forward, my energy levels are up so then I begin to be in charge of my thinking... well it's another story, but I've gone into treatment centers on three separate occassions to get my medicines "regulated!" The first stay my Coral Calcium was left at home with my hormones. They removed all my medication and I immediately became immobilized and in a great deal of pain. Five days later I went home. It took several months for my condition to improve. That following Feb. I went into a second hospital. When the neurologist came in and examined me, he said that I didn't have Parkinson's, and wrote up orders to stop my Parkinson's medications. Of couse, that wasn't the case, but my frame and posture and muscle tone showed no traces of this ebilitating illness. I went home and began taking my coral again adding HGH (it gave me a different level of energy, more indurance). Then I added the HGH Releaser. Although I have gone without Coral Calcium for a time I notice the difference and so do others. I am now looking to have another procedure on my right brain, I have been introduced to Cellfood and to Bio Chrome which my be a little early to tell, but I ran out of my new Parkinson's medication called ReQuip and was without 6 milligrams per day for 4 days. Sinse it is so new, it takes a long time to the Rx in. Thank God Edith Daigle brought me Bio Chrome and I honestly believe that is what got me through those 4 days. Sinse that time I have improved mobility. My neighbors can't get over all what I have been doing. Right know I'm in the process of planting flowers and a garden. If someone would have asked me 2 years ago if I thought I could do these things I would have had to say no! Being on medication for Parkinson's has a waring off effect every 1 and a half years to 2 years you have to start taking more because it's no longer as effective. And as a result the medication is actually damaging brain cells that's were the free radicals come in to play, and that is what causes the dystonia. The hope of finding a cure for Parkinson's I believe is trying to find something that will regenerate brain cells. I believe these products are actually doing that job. Also what I have concluded by adding Coral to my cater it has allowed my medication to be more effective in other words I am absorbing them better so the medication will last until my next dose. I recommend these products to any Parkinson's patient out there it has given me hope again!


Dietary supplements are not to be used to prevent or treat any disease. The Statements on this web page have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any information provided on this website is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Ingredients in supplements are not drugs and may not be foods. The Nutronix International does not advise administration of supplements to children and no supplements should be taken in pregnancy without professional advice.