Coral Calcium: Which Form Is Best? )
Teabags vs Capsules


  • The Importance Of Water
  • The pH Factor: The Real Silent Killer
  • Mineral Composition
  • Testimonials
  • How To Take Coral Calcium

  • There is a lot of conflicting information in the marketplace about Coral Calcium. Some say that capsules are the best form because you get more of the Coral in your system. Others say adding it to water is the best way. I believe that Coral Calcium Teabags (Sachets) added to water are superior to capsule form. Hopefully, this article will help explain why.

    Bob Bremner, co-Founder of Nutronix International, was the first person to bring Coral Calcium to the United States with the help of his contact here in the states. It was Coral Calcium Teabags (Sachets). This was in July of 1995. We have had thousands of lives changed from people adding this product to their water. The capsules are relatively new. Over 7 million Japanese add Coral to their water daily. They do not use capsules. Here are some of the reasons why.

    The Importance Of Water

    Water sustains all forms of life, in fact as humans our bodies are 70-90% water and most of the food we eat contains 70-90% water. All body fluids contain water. Water adjusts the body's temperature and, through urination and perspiration, is the main way to rid the body of toxins. Most of us do not drink enough water and are, therefore, dehydrated to some extent. For the body to function properly, it is imperative to be properly hydrated. Drinking the ionized alkaline water daily, assists the body in flushing out toxic, acidic wastes.

    Drinking alkaline water daily assists the body to flush out the build-up of toxic wastes. To safely rid the body of stored acidic wastes, the alkaline water must contain, however, the original alkaline minerals that occur naturally in water. In addition to the alkaline minerals, the alkaline water is rich in oxygen. Electrolysis separates water molecules into acidic water-positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and alkaline water-negatively charged hydroxyl ions which have both an oxygen and a hydrogen atom (OH-). The alkaline water is, therefore, rich in oxygen.

    The disarming of free radicals is the second way in which alkaline water works to improve our health. You've probably heard about free radicals - they are mentioned frequently in health articles and in advertising for antioxidant supplements. Many health researchers point to free radicals as the cause of disease and aging. Antioxidants are, therefore, recommended to scavenge free radicals. Our bodies as part of the chemical reactions in cell respiration, although destructive, produce free radicals, naturally. The problem, today, is one of overproduction of free radicals. In response to an overload of toxic wastes, our bodies produce an abundance of free radicals. A free radical is an unstable, or active, form of oxygen with an urgent need to find an electron. They usually rip these electrons from cell membranes. When too many free radicals are produced, they attack the membranes of healthy cells. Over time, the damage shows up as a disease or the signs of aging.

    Alkaline ionized water, produces a safe source of free electrons to neutralize free radicals. Here's how the alkaline water works to disarm free radicals: It has a mass of electrons to donate to free radicals. For example, water with a pH of 7 has an oxidation- reduction potential (ORP) of +400 mV to +500 mV. This means, it is apt to take rather than to give electrons. Alkaline with a pH of 8.6, on the other hand, has a negative redox-potential of approximately (-) 150 mV to (-) 250 mV. This means it has a large mass of electrons ready to donate to electron-thieving free radicals.

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    The pH Factor: The Real Silent Killer

    The body is largely made up of water, a medium which is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and biochemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties which are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for "potential hydrogen"), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral, and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity.

    Since most of the body is water-based (making up 50- 60% of our total body weight), the pH level has profound effects on all body chemistry, health and disease. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the management of "pH" is so important that the body has developed strict accounting procedures to monitor acid- alkaline balances in every cell. Fundamentally, all regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, hormonal production, etc.) serve the purpose of balancing pH, by removing caustic metabolized acid residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste and die.

    Is An Imbalanced Body pH Really That Dangerous? Yes, indeed it is! Nothing does well in an overly acidic or alkaline pH medium, least of all the human body! Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain... An imbalanced pH interferes with all life itself!

    Can An Imbalanced pH Cause Serious Problems? Yes, especially as a person grows older! Although it may generally go unnoticed and undetected for years, an imbalanced pH (either consistently too acid or alkaline) leads to the progression of most, if not all, degenerative diseases including Cardiovascular Disease (the #1 killer in the U.S.), Cancer (the #2 Killer in the U.S.), and Diabetes, as well as the never ending frustration of excessive systemic weight gain. The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics estimates that if Cardiovascular Disease alone could be eliminated, it would add an average of 9.78 years to our life span! That's almost 10 years of additional life per person!

    Click Here To Read The Whole Article . . . »

    Mineral Composition

    Coral is among the oldest living organisms in the world. The product we are using is pulverised coral, from a very special coral species, the Scleractinia and reef coral, enriched for millions of years with valuable minerals and trace elements.

    The coral was used originally to purify water, it is an absolutely natural product, which has been formed as the Earth has evolved and it has proved rich in minerals, in coral calcium and coral magnesium, in particular. One could say that coral is to our water what the Amazon rain forests are to or air. The coral, which is a protected species, is not broken off from the reef. It is the tiny grains of which have been worn down by the waves and processed to become the unique coral product. The coral's total mineral composition is very like that of the human skeleton. It also resembles that of our amniotic fluid, blood and other body fluids.

    Click Here To For The Composition of Coral . . . »


    One of the most important things to look at is the testimonials from people using the Coral in tea bag form. Most of the testimonials you read on our website on coral are from teabag users. Even sites of our competitors selling capsules use testimonials from people who have used the teabags.

    Click Here To Read These Amazing Testimonials! »

    How To Take Coral Calcium

    To get maximum benefit and results from Coral Calcium, it is crucial to take the product properly. While this may vary from person to person, some common guidelines apply.

    There are basically two phases a person will want to adhere to. We find that the vast majority of the population suffers from chronic dehydration at the cellular level coupled with mineral deficiency. As a result, the body fluids become acidic, and this toxic, cellular waste builds up in the body. For most adults, this acid has been building up and becoming stored within the body for many years. (Note: the human body is designed with one way to rid itself of toxins on a daily basis and balance its 'inner terrain'. That one way is through minerals and water.) Therefore, we need to reverse the process, flush out these stored toxins, and shift the pH in the body fluids from the acidic to the alkaline side of the scale, rapidly. In most cases, it is necessary to saturate the system with the coral minerals in water for the 1st 30-45 days.

    During the saturation phase, you will want to use 8-10 sachets of coral calcium in two to three liters of water, minimum. After the first 30 days if you have no health challenges you can cut back.

    If a person is drinking 2 liters of water, put 4-5 sachets in each liter. If a person is drinking 3 liters of water, put 3 sachets in each liter, and so forth. Especially during the first month, again, to get the best results as quickly as possible, use steam distilled water from the grocery store, or reverse osmosis water from a health food store. Drink the water at room temperature, and be sure to tear open the sachets and pour the contents directly into the water. Let it build up in the container if you want, and after a few days of build up, put it on plants or in animal water containers if you like. As long as you are using distilled water, it doesn't hurt to eat the coral. (Some obvious variables here are the severity of a person's challenge and their size and weight, and age.) After the first 30-45 days, a person will generally cut the quantity in half for 30 days, and possibly even further depending on their condition, size, age, etc. We call this "The Maintenance Phase."

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